Yesterday we walked the streets of Oslo, trying like the 150,000 people with us to make sense of the incomprehensible. A national tragedy brought about by one man living in a parallel universe, where children, a nation's future and any parent's most precious gift, have to be cut down to prevent multiculturalism and tolerance spreading through society. Where the buildings of a government he considered corrupted must be smashed to smithereens.

Yesterday, the Norwegian people pulled themselves up out of an almost overwhelming sense of shock, horror and deep grief to stand together and show solidarity for the values that these people died for: openness, tolerance and democracy. People of all colours, ethnic backgrounds and ages gathered together, not only in Oslo, but all over the country to walk in protest carrying flowers and torches, to show their belief in these values. These spontaneous gatherings and marches were not organised by the authorities, but by private people disgusted by the horrific massacre on 22nd of July in Oslo and Utøya. Like the silent resistence during the Second World War when the Norwegian people wore paperclips in their jacket lapels, they showed very clearly yesterday that "we will overcome".

Kjærligheten faller aldri bort - hvil i fred!
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