We need to get ourselves geared up for our 4 days of walking in Morocco. Whit Monday is a bank holiday here and the sun was shining, so we set off to climb Styggemann, a local peak that is just 871 m high, with friends Pete and Eva. The name (ugly man) apparently derives from a legend about a troll who lived in the mountain.
After a few false starts and discussions as to which was the right way, we set off via Hoenseter. The views from the top on a good day are panoramic, extending across Oslofjord in one direction and over to Gaustafjell and beyond in the other.
The walk back down Sigvartstigen proved to be fast though at times precarious, involving hanging on to ropes here and there!
However, we made it to the bottom without too much damage.... a good day that ended with Pete's risotto and a bottle of wine!

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